Nequi icon redesign

On this project that is linked to the Nequi app redesign, we set the rules for the new iconography for the app.

 Design Challenge

The previous app had many different kind of icons, sizes and strokes .
With the new redesign we as the visual team came up with a new set of rules for the diferent kind of icons used throughout the app. Most of the were designed by me, but in collaboration with the team. 

Design Goals

  1. Standardization of icons 
  2. Use of an icon grid for the design of every icon
  3. Make an icon system
Icons used on the home screen
Icons used on notifications, modals and bottomsheets

Disclaimer, all of this shown here is property of Nequi and Bancolombia I was part of the design team working for this solution.  Posted september 2022.

Icon sets and improvements

This is a collection of icons made to fit the new design system standards and icon grid system.

  • Category:


  • Date:

    2021 - 2022

  • Role:

    Senior visual designer